Prepping Your Walls for Painting : 4 Essential Tips

House Painting | ASL Painting

Embarking on a new home refurbishment? Making your space indulged with a paint is the easiest way to make it look fresh and new. Before you plan for selection of colour, it is important to prep your walls before the job is done.

Prepping can be a tedious and tiring job. House Painting by Professionals will take care of it for you easily. But if you want to carry out the procedure by yourself, we have compiled our top four essential prep tips by our experts that can help you ease the process making it vital for a glorious end result.

How to Prep your Wall for Paint – Our Top 4 Tips.

People often have this doubt – why do you need preparation before house painting? The answer is simple – It is important as it directly affects how your paint finish would look.

A well prepared wall ensures that your paint reflects better and keeps the surface smooth for years to come. Here are some essential tips – 

  • Cover and Protect the Area.

Before you begin your preparation, you need to understand that the paint is going to be spilled. Better to not risk your expensive furniture and get them clear out of the room.

If it is not possible, then move them towards the centre of your room and cover it with the plastic drop clothes. Don’t forget to remove your wall tucked ornamental objects like paintings, frames and clocks. Cover your ceiling fans, pendant lights and switchboards with plastic.

Remove any screws, tucks, nails and hooks. The surface of your wall needs to be even and smooth and free from lumps and breaks for the brush job to be carried out perfectly.

  • Repair Imperfections.

It is essential that your surface should be damp free and smooth. You can sand such imperfections and level them up ready for the paint job. After these, take a mixture of mild soap and water and clean your walls to get rid of dust, grease or stains. 

If you find flaking paint, remove it and scrape it off with a putty knife. You can get a patch kit to repair bigger holes. For small pens, you can simply apply a spackling product. Let it dry then sand the area to get a smooth surface ready. 

Sanding allows your texture to remain slightly tacky to capture the colour tones better. Remember, to wipe off any dust remaining while the procedure is being done so as to maintain a clean surface. 

  • Applying Primer.

An underestimated feature but can make a huge difference especially if you are transitioning from the dark theme of your room to lighter ones, making it more shiny and reflective. It can also deal easily with porous surfaces. 

Primer acts as an adhesive in house painting. It also reduces the number of times paint needs to be reapplied showcasing true colours and even out surfaces. Choose a premium coat of primer and let it dry out before applying the paint for better and impressive results. 

  • Proper Masking: Applying Tapes.

The Purpose of Applying tapes is to achieve crisp and clean lines. Professional House Painters apply tapes for the finishing job to look clean while cutting corners,hide areas and end spots. 

You can do this too by applying painter’s tape to mask areas you want to keep it paint free like windows,door frames etc. With a putty knife, press the edge of your tapes so that it sticks with trims firmly. Make sure the tape is adhered properly and cover the corners with precision so that there are no empty spots and gaps left. 

Mask your floors with a cloth or plastic sheets and cover your furniture completely so that they can stay resistant from the drops splattering.


With application of these helpful tips, you can be carefree knowing your wall prep is done expertly and after the house painting is done, the results are gonna look better and more vibrant. 

In terms of colorwork, there are tons of brands to choose from. You can get tempted to go with cheaper brand and tools and the results will reflect the same. 

House Painting is not carried out everyday, it’s a long term investment for you and your property. Always go for the premium and standard brands and equipment for smooth application, even coverage and professional finish. 

The Results? A complete improvement in appearance over what may have been the result if you had chosen less expensive brands.
Looking to elevate your home in your next refurbishment? ASL’ Professional painters sydney wide are here to nail the job! Get in touch with us today!